Hygiene For Your Cleaning Place: How To Clean A Shower Room

Summary:People come out of the shower fresh and clean. However, the ...

People come out of the shower fresh and clean. However, the same cannot always be said for the shower itself. Remember that a shower room can be a place for grime and mildew to thrive due to all that water. Learning how to clean a shower room should prove helpful in preventing bacteria from building up.

Cleaning the shower room or shower cabin means also taking the time to clean the showerhead, drain, and curtains. For that, one must learn how to clean these shower parts properly.

Learn more about that here!

How To Clean The Shower Room?

After a person showers, they leave dirt, grime, soap lather, skin cells, body oils, and more. All these can build up over time. It'll become a problem when that happens since it means the growth of unhealthy mildew, mold, and bacteria. 

Mold, in particular, can give people adverse health effects. Mold exposure can lead to eye irritation, sore throat, coughing, nasal congestion, and more.

This is a real testament to the importance of frequently cleaning the shower.

From a steam shower cabin and shower pod to a bathtub shower combo — remember that all shower rooms need regular cleaning. Here is the proper way to do it:


Step 1: Shower Walls

A shower or bath cabin and room can be made of different materials. However, the most common and popular ones that homeowners prefer are fiberglass, natural stone, and tiles.

Given that they are made of different materials, they also have different cleaning needs:

A. Shower Made of Tile

Showers with porcelain or ceramic tiles are durable and relatively low-maintenance. However, the main issue is the grout between the tiles, which is a problematic magnet for mildew and grime. 

Here is how to clean a shower made of tiles:

  1. Run the shower hot for about five minutes to help soften the dirt and debris to make cleaning easier.

  2. Wear gloves and spray the tiles with commercial tile cleaner or a natural cleaning solution. A cleaning mixture of equal parts warm water and white vinegar should do for minimal dirt.

  3. Gently coat the shower walls and scrub using a mesh scrubber or sponge. Never use a hard-bristle brush or a metal scrubber. 

  4. Let sit for five minutes. 

  5. Rinse thoroughly and dry off using a towel.

  6. If stubborn dirt or grime persists, use a more potent cleaning agent.

B. Shower Made of Fiberglass

A bath shower cabin with a fiberglass enclosure is affordable yet durable for homeowners. Unfortunately, it requires frequent cleaning and maintenance. 

To clean a fiberglass shower, follow the steps below:

  1. Run the water at its hottest for around 2-5 minutes. Let the steam fill the enclosure for a few minutes if it is a steam cabin.

  2. Use a spray bottle or container and fill it with equal amounts and parts of warm water and white vinegar. Generously spray it on the shower walls. The vinegar's acidic nature will help dissolve the dirt from the walls.

  3. Let the cleaning solution sit for a few minutes. 

  4. Rinse the mixture off the shower walls and wipe it off in circular motions using a soft, non-abrasive sponge. Avoid using rough scouring pads and bleach since they can damage fiberglass. 

  5. Add mild dishwashing liquid to the vinegar and water solution for stubborn spots. Spray it to the area, then scrub.

  6. Rinse and dry the walls with a soft microfiber towel. Doing so will help prevent watermarks from forming.


C. Shower Made of Stone

Stone showers are known for the luxurious touch it brings to a bathroom. The most common ones are marble, granite, and travertine. 

These showers are made of natural stone and need unique cleaning methods as they are more vulnerable to stains and scratches.

Here is an easy-to-follow guide to cleaning stone showers:

  1. Run the shower for 2-5 minutes to loosen and soften the dirt on the walls. Make sure the water is hot. 

  2. Put on rubber gloves and spray the walls with commercial stone cleaners. A mixture of water and a small amount of mild dish soap should also do the job. Note that acidic cleaners, like vinegar solution, can damage the stone.

  3. Use a non-scratch sponge and scrub the stone. Be as gentle as possible to avoid leaving any damage. Also, for better results, scrub in a circular motion. 

  4. Rinse thoroughly after. Dry using a soft towel. 

  5. Make sure to reseal the stone shower using a stone sealer at least twice yearly.

Step 2: Showerhead

Showerheads are also in need of deep cleaning once in a while. Like shower walls and doors, a build-up is also possible within showerheads. 

The first step of cleaning the showerhead involves removing or detaching it from the shower arm. Place it inside a bucket or bowl — it does not matter as long as it is deep and would fully submerge the showerhead. Ensure that the nozzle is facing up or sideways.

Fill the container with equal parts water and distilled vinegar. Only stop when the showerhead is entirely under the mixture. 

Swirl the water to help the mixture run through the showerhead's inner mechanics. The soaking time will depend mainly on how dirty the showerhead is. The recommended time would be overnight or a full day. 

The acid from the vinegar should dissolve the mineral build-up within the showerhead. Rinse it thoroughly afterward. 

Another method of cleaning the showerhead requires the use of a plastic bag. This would work well if the showerhead cannot be removed from the shower arm. 

Fill the bag with distilled white vinegar and slip it on the showerhead. Secure it with the use of a rubber band. Remove it after an hour and turn the water on. Dry the showerhead using a soft towel afterward.


Step 3: Shower Drain

A slow-moving shower drain is a clear sign that it requires cleaning. Fortunately, it should be easy and would only need the help of a trusty wire hanger and a few common household ingredients!

First, remove the drain cover. Soak it in white vinegar to clear off soapy residue. Next, unclog the drain using a wire hanger that has been straightened out with a pair of pliers.

Make a hook on one end and carefully lower it inside the drain. Using the hooked end, unclog the drain by removing debris, hair, and dirt. Once the drain is clog-free, run hot water to flush out the remaining debris build-up.


Step 4: Shower Curtains

A shower or bath cabin often has shower curtains to give an extra allure of privacy and a bit more style in the bathroom. Unfortunately, they are also likely to harbor dust, mold, mildew, and dirt. The good news is that shower curtains are simple to clean and wash.

A homeowner has the choice between machine washing and hand washing. The former is the easier method and would require less effort. 

However, before throwing a shower curtain inside the wash, check the tags to see if they are safe to machine wash. If they are, select the warm water and delicate cycle settings. 

Add a few drops of detergent and at least one cup of vinegar if the curtain is dirty. Hang after.

Hand-washing curtains is also easy, but it does require more effort. Dump the curtains in a bucket big enough to hold the curtain and add ¼ cup of bleach. Let that soak for at least five minutes before rinsing thoroughly.


Tips To Keep The Shower Room Clean

There are a few tips to help maintain the shower room cleaner for longer periods. Following the tips below, homeowners can clean the showers in less time!

  • Prevent mildew and mold by removing its primary cause — moisture. Dry the shower walls and doors after every use, and improve the bathroom's ventilation by using an exhaust fan or opening a window.

  • Shower nooks and caddies can also harbor mildew and mold. Remember to clean them frequently to avoid build-up.

  • While bath mats are incredibly useful in preventing falls and slips, they are home to thriving mildew and bacteria. Make it a habit to wash them every week.


Closing Thoughts

Just because shower rooms see water more than anywhere else in the house does not mean they are always clean and spot-free. If not cleaned purposely, a shower room can become the home of icky and harmful bacteria, mildew, and mold.

Don’t settle with simply rinsing the shower room. Instead, learn the proper way of cleaning it to ensure that there won’t be any disgusting build-up left behind.

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